Your Soft Place to Land for Healing

“The day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk to blossom.”

– Anais Nin

     Are you ready to blossom?

Create your vision. Stay on track with your goals

Hi! I’m Ilene…

I’m so glad you’re here! It means you want more joy and fulfillment in your life.

Or maybe you want to ease the pain of old wounds, loss, or trauma, or those curveballs that life throws us. I’m Ilene Leshinsky and I want to help.

Throughout my thirty-year career as a psychotherapist, empath, intuitive healer, and
body image specialist, I’ve worked primarily with women to support their emotional,
physical, and spiritual well-being.

I love working with women! So often we don’t realize our own gifts and talents. Because
we are taking care of so much else – our families, our jobs, our communities, our
multiple roles – we get lost. We forget we are special and worthy. I would like to help you
find your way back to yourself.

She’s there, inside you, waiting.

We will work collaboratively, in partnership with each other. Why?

I believe in my core and in my heart of hearts, that each of us holds innate wisdom to
heal. Our collaboration, using eclectic techniques and strategies will enhance your own
innate healing potential, and unblock your Qi, your Prana, your life force.

Little about myself »

Hi! I’m Charvi...

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To me, it’s what living is about.

More About Me...
Emotional Healing
Intuitive Energy Healing
Healing From Body Shame

I'm so glad you're here!

It means you want more joy and fulfillment in your life. Or maybe you want to ease the pain of old wounds, loss, or trauma, or those curveballs that life throws us. I’m Ilene Leshinsky and I want to help.

Are you ready to blossom?

As Featured In......

Start your journey with these freebies!

Do you have healthy habbits?

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How They Do It?
Mindsets of successful people

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Tips to create a positive radical shift

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Secret To Success
Shhh... Yes! There's a secret to success

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Praise for Ilene

I'm so glad you're here!

It means you want more joy and fulfillment in your life. Or maybe you want to ease the pain of old wounds, loss, or trauma, or those curveballs that life throws us. I’m Ilene Leshinsky and I want to help.