Intuitive Energy Healing

"Emotional breakdowns, mid-life crises, heart attacks, heartbreak, and anxiety all reflect a deep need for spiritual awakening."
- Wendy DeRosa

Did you know that you have an energy body? Well, you do!

We have a physical body, and we have an energy body. Sometimes, because of the stuff of our current lives, our childhoods, or past life experiences, energy gets stuck somewhere in our system. That stuck energy can cause blockages in the energetic flow in our bodies. Think of a clogged drainpipe and you’ll see what I mean.

The clog or stuck energy can cause physical illness, emotional disturbances, relationship challenges, career disruptions, and a host of other problems.

Intuitive energy healing identifies the blockages and assists you in moving the energy, clearing it, and releasing it from your body. This energy clearing can result in freedom –
freedom to live your life more fully, to pursue your dreams, and to reach your goals.

Intuitive Energy Healing includes:
– Breath work
– Grounding
– Movement
– Guided meditation
– Chakra clearing
– Calling on spirit guides and angels
– Past life and karmic experiences

I often get asked how I became an intuitive energy healer. So, here’s the short version of the story. My husband and I moved to Florida five years ago. I initiated the move and yet after a little time had elapsed, I felt unsettled, a bit lost. And I said to my husband that I might need to see a therapist. But something didn’t feel right about this. (And don’t
get me wrong. I loved therapy and I love being a therapist!)

So, what did I do? I did nothing! Well, actually, I prayed for guidance. I wanted help but I “intuitively” knew I wanted a different kind of help. And then lo and behold, into my inbox came Wendy DeRosa and the School of Intuitive Studies.

I took a number of courses about being an Empath and opening my intuitive abilities, which led me to enrolling as a student in the School’s Intuitive Healer Training Program. And then, I was asked to be an Assistant for students in the next years year’s training program. And… while doing that, I enrolled in AIHTP, the advanced intuitive training program.

I received just what I wanted and needed. Healing – and a different approach to healing, which I’m now able to offer to you.

I’d love the opportunity to help you find the freedom you want – and need – to create and live a fulfilling life – a life of your design!

And, if you know you want to move from bud to blossom, but if you’re unsure how, just click the button, and fill out the form so we can schedule a 15-minute chat, at no cost to you!

Emotional Healing
Intuitive Energy Healing
Healing From Body Shame

Emotional breakdowns, mid-life crises, heart attacks, heartbreak, and anxiety all reflect a deep need for spiritual awakening. - Wendy DeRosa